Become a Sponsor or Vendor

Explore the exciting opportunities to be part of the ForTheCultureWineExpo as a sponsor or vendor. Showcase your products or services to a diverse audience and gain valuable exposure. Find out more about our sponsorship packages and vendor opportunities below.

Wine & Spirit Vendor

Bronze Package

•Company logo included in marketing on all our social media’s, website and group banner displayed at convention center.

•10x20 booth reservation

•Add merch or business logo to red carpet backdrop and  VIP sections


Vendor Space $500




Silver Package $3,000


Company Logo on

Website and Red

Carpet Backdrop.


10x20 Booth


4 VIP tickets to the




Advertisement in

the VIP Sections

Gold Package $5,000


Company Logo on

the Website and Red-

Carpet Backdrop.


Advertisement 10x20 Booth


6 VIP tickets to the event


Mention of sponsorship


Company Advertisement in the

VIP Sections


Platinum Package



Company Logo on the

website and Red-

Carpet Backdrop



advertisements  in the

VIP sections


Advertisement 10x20 Booth


10 VIP tickets

Mention of

sponsorship publically

VIP section with 4

bottles of wine included

Non Wine & Spirit Vendor

10x20 Vendor Booth: $300

10x20 Vendor Booth: $500

Ready to become a sponsor or vendor?

Contact us today to learn more about the cost of vendor spots and sponsorship packages. Secure your place at the ForTheCultureWineExpo and be part of an unforgettable experience.